February 22, 2009
Just another tragedy
(a): ga usa dikunci lagi ya pak? (berjalan mendekati naek motor)
(s): iya ga usa sini kamu sini..
(a): nih pak (menyerahkan kunci)
(s): ya.. Nah skrang ada yang mau foto kamu tuh (sambil memegang pundak gw)
(sekonyong-konyong datanglah sang mbak2 dan OG dr arah balkesmas)
(a): heeeh?? (cengo gag ngerti ma skali) apa?? fotoo??
(s): sini cepet (manggil mbak2nya)
(m): (datang dengan berlari-lari dan dengan sigap mengeluarkan hapenya dan mengarahkan kameranya ke muka gw tanpa ngomong apa2!!!)
(o): udah sana cepet foto (mendukung dari blakang sambil ktawa-ktiwi..)
(a): (ya Tuhan apa yang terjadii!! sking shockny gw bengong sesaat pas mw difoto, tp langsung sadar, heh, klo jgn mpe muka gw yg lagi bengong yang dy foto, bisa gawat klo disebar2 ke para mbak2 dan babysitter yang laen, akhirnya gw senyum terpaksa) he eh..
(m): (serius demi mengambil gambar yang tepat)
(s): udah udah sana pulang kamu
(a): (akhirnya)
(o): belom tuh, lagi!!
(m): iya paak, dia blom senyumm, lagii ahh (dengan nada merengek)
(a): (hah? gila aj lagi)
(s): ywada cepet
(m):(mengarahkan kamera lagi) senyum donk
(a): (senyum luar biasa terpaksa, mpe gw lupa gmana harus senyum..lebay hha)
(s): haah udah udah lama, sana pulang (sambil mendorong-dorong bahu gw)
(a): (ngegas motor tanda menegaskan keinginan kuat gw untuk pulang)
(m): ahhh bapak maah aahhh lagiii ahhh belom ahh (merengek2 sambil cemberut2 gtu)
(a):(OMG ni mbak2 parah banget mpe monyong2 gtu cemberutnya)
(s): ahh udah udah sana cpet
(a): (kali ini tanpa ragu-ragu lagi gw langsung tancap gas dan pergi) MAKASIH YA PAK (krn ud ngasi pinjem kunci sama nolongin saya dari mbak2 fanatik huehue)
(s): iya mirip afgan kamu katanya hahaha
(a):(- -)....he eh..(pergi)
Bgitulah, waktu gw pergi pun, tu mbak2 masi aj brisik2 ma si pak satpam dengan sang OG yang terus mengencourage si mbak.. Gw jamin pasti si OG ga punya hp yang ad kameranya, kalo ada pasti dy ikut2an foto, ato kmungkinan kdua, hp dy cukup canggih buat bluetooth ato infrared jd ntar tinggal minta sama si mbak. Nah bgtu gw kluar dr paparazzi ntu bru gw mudeng, ternyata si OG tahu deh.. waktu ntu pagi2 gw bru dteng mau parkir, trus ada dia lg jalan berlawanan ma gw, ehh tiba2 ad suara "afgaan" heh gw bngung atuh, masa iye tu OG sgtu norakny manggil2 org afgan bused.. Nah dr peristiwa ini gw yakin bgt si OG ntu bner manggil gw afgan, trus dy tmnan ma mbak2, pas gw lewat mw ke tmpat parkir pasti dy mnghasut si mbak, makanya awalny si mbak lari2 panik nyari2 org ke tempat parkir yg ternyata nyariin gw ud pulang ato blom, pdhal mah pas gw lewat didepan dy ptmanya dy pura2 nyari org laen (dsar).. Yah ntu lah tragedi, what a weird day hha..Susahny jd ariel hha.. See u on the next post..
Could only HOPE
banget-banget terutama matnya.. Padahal gw dah blajar mati-matian hhu.. Matny yang gw agag yakin yah sekitar 50%, itu pun cuman agag yakin loh.. Inggrisny lumayan sih, tp ttep aj gw gag trlalu yakin bisa, walopun gw jwab semua ad yang ngarang.. Kan Inggrisny ada 3 section. writing, reading, ma fill in the blanks.. Kalo writing yah bisa lah.. Nah masalahny di reading tu, ud bacaanny panjang seabrek banyak bgt vocab yang gw gag ngerti, ude gtu ad beberapa kalimat yang gw gag nangkep maksudny apa.. Trus dr bacaan dikasi ptnyaan ada yang multiple choice ada yang short answer.. Yang multiple choice yah lumayan sih ada 10 soal.. Yang short answer ntu tu,ptnyaanny bikin bingung aduh, gw aj mpe sakit kepala krn pusing mikirin jwabannya hha.. Nah yang terakhir, fill iin the blanks, beh bner2 de.. Jadi ad cerita trus ad yang kosong-kosong musti diisi dan cuman dkasi hruf depan kata itu sebagai panduan. Wew, secara ada beribu kata di dunia haha , agag ribet bahkan ada yang gw sma skali gag kpkiran jwabnnya apa.. Tapi yawdalah, mau gimana lagi.. Gw kan tes sama nico pas kluar kita bedua si ktwa2 aj krn susahnya soal2 ntu hha.. Yah udalah sesuai judul, Now I could only hope.. Kalo gag dpet pun yawda mungkin emang NTU bukan yang terbae buat gw hha, I surrender all to God.. Ok sgini aja Bye^^
February 21, 2009
Entrance Examination
February 19, 2009
New Looks
February 8, 2009
Silly Game^^
Huaah I got this one from stephany's blog hha.. I thought it's fun to play with this a little bit hhe.. But hey, I must admit that it's harder than it looks! Here are the rules. Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. . .nothing made up! (well let's see I can control myself not to made up things hha) If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name: Ariel
2. A four Letter Word: Able
3. A boy's Name: Alvin (and the chipmunks.. whoops, is it a boy?) hha
4. A girl's Name: Avril Lavigne
5. An occupation: Astronaut
6. A color: Ahh I give up! Abu-abu!! Hhaa
7. Something you wear: hmm.. Anderwear haha..
8. A food: Anchovy?? (my brother says it's some kind of fish)
9. Something found in the bathroom: Anduk (Hey fellow Indonesian, don't forget your country language)
10. A place: Australia
11. A reason for being late: "Ahh miss, I woke up late and the traffic, ohh not to mention it is terrible” :)
12. Something you shout: Aku keren! huehue
13. A movie title: Ace Ventura! Pet detective!!!! haha
14. Something you drink: Apple juice
15. A musical group: Avenged Sevenfold
16. An animal: Ape
17. A street name: Ahmad Yani Street.. (Love your country!)
18. A type of car: Audi
19. A song title: All for Love-Hillsong
20. A verb: Attack!
Hey try this see if you can make it hha..
February 6, 2009
My Designs and Drawings^^
Hi there, as I promised before, I put my drawings and designs which I’ve submitted as my portfolio in this posting. I post this also because a request from monwin. So take a look, feel free to shout a comment..
Title: Spring Lake
Author: Ariel Victor-2005
Title: Summer Beach
Author: Ariel Victor-2005
Title: Fall Time
Author: Ariel Victor-2005
Title: Winter Wonderland
Author: Ariel Victor-2005
Description: These was my drawings when I am in Junior High. At that time my drawings was greatly influenced by Mangas (Japanese Drawings). The pictures shows same characters in different seasons. I am developing my drawing skill so you might found mistakes. These drawings are not perfect yet so, I’ll be very happy if you give comments about them.
Title: Class XI-A2
Author: Ariel Victor-2007
Description: Well, I thought You all know this picture, especially my former XI-A2 friends. I made this picture by accident I guess. I was using photoshop at that time and don’t know what to make, so I was just playing with lines and colors and suddenly, the inspiration came down from heaven hhha.. And here it is now as you can see.. I have to admit that its one of my best designs I ever made.^^
Title: The stairway
Author: Ariel Victor-2008
Description: This one I made for SA 17th birthday. Well, I at that time, I just learned new techniques in using photoshop, including applying tatoos and customizing brushes. So, I applied them to this pictures. Sooner, I found it become perfectly match, the background, tatoos, and brushes. However, there was a lot imperfect spots as you can see.. Well, I tried my best.. Leave a comment will ya?
Title: Starry Night
Author: Ariel Victor-2008
Description: I made this invitation as a fulfillment to my computer task at school.
Yep, that’s all the designs and drawings in my portfolio. Hope you all like it. I promised, If I could figure out how to put swf file in my blog, you’ll soon see my flash animation. Ahh, I have to remind you once more.. Leave a comment, K? Let me know what you think of my drawings and designs.. Well, see ya..
February 3, 2009
It is DONE!
February 2nd, 2009. 1.10 am. At last, Slese juga smua tugas2 buat di NTU.. Huraaah hha.. Stelah perjuangan mengejar deadline yg smakin sempit, proses pembuatan clip2 flash, sketch, essay, short story, cover cd de el el.. Akhirnyaaaa, slesaiiii!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa…. Serasa dituntut harus bisa semuanya gw, dr drawing skill, creativity, juga dituntut punya bisa merealisasikan imajinasi dlam animasi dan gmbar bahkan dlm gunting2an kertas.. Shortly, dlm minggu yg baru berlalu ntu gw serasa sangat digojlok buat kluarin smua kreativitas dan ide2 dari otak gw ckck..
But yg pasti,walopun kerjaan ‘mengejar deadline’ gini bikin stress juga, but i loved it.. Jujur malah gw jadi mrasa bingung mw ngapain pulang skul krn gra2 ni tugas kbiasaan pulang skul lgs nyalain komputer dan berkarya hha, jadi kayak ada sesuatu yg hilang gtu.. Tapi kek gini ni, kerjaan yg gw pengen hha.. Jd tamba manteb aja kalo emang bidang animasi n design ni yg pengen gw ambil… Ni gw punya saran buat lo, carilah bidang yg bner2 pengen lo ambil n hidupi, lebih bagus lagi kalo sesuai ma bakat lo.. So, temuin lo sukany bidang apa, n paling bisa ngapain.. Percaya d klo lo ktemu bidang yg tepat, kecintaan lo ma tu bidang yang bakal menjaga lo ‘tetap waras’ dlam menghadapi ksulitan2 yg bkal ada.
Kalo dipikir2 setelah slese n liat2 lagi semua yg dah gw bikin, gw gag percaya ntu gw yang buat.. Emang masi bnyakk banget kurang sana sini, tapi hey, gw bisa juga tuh bikin gtuan hha.. Ni gw kasi gambar cover cd portfolio gw hha.. Gag enak kan kalo posting isinya tulisan smw..
(btw ntu siluet yang megang gitar juga gw loh hha..) Yah walopun bgtu akhir2ny gag bole sombong2, mala musti bersyukur bgt ma God yand dah kasi talent bgini ke gw. And in the end, let all glory come back to Him^^..
Gag lupa, by this posting, gw mau skali lagi say thanks ma tmen2 yg dah dukung banget slama gw ngerjain ni tugas2 hha.. Dari Andaru dan idenya memvisualisaikan ‘sorrow’ trus kele yg dah ikut2an susa2 mikir juga. Trus sherly yang dah nagsi ide n inspirasi juga. Tak lupa yaya yang dah jadi editor gambar gw, Nte dan Fanny yg menyemangati apalagi di2 dengan ‘go go ariel’ nya haha.. Ohh ya makhluk klas sebela,Tepii juga mksii yaa buat ide mobil2anny hha.. Trus buat2 smua2 yg dah doain gw thanks guys, u’re d best!!
Hmm cukup suda penuturan gw kali ini, mw bikin pe-er agama dlu ahh.. Oh ya, buat clip2 flashny ntar gw sisipin di post2 brikutnya d.. Uda dlu, byee..